Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Home again, home again…jigity jig

Well, we are home.  I'm sitting beside the fireplace watching it snow :)  What a great way to recover!

So, today hasn't been as great as I'd expected.  

On the up side, port placement went well - took about 20 minutes.  Somehow, instead of 2 incisions, like they promised, I only got one.  Instead of 3 stitches, like they promised, I got steri-strips.  

Score two for the Rosses!  I only have a little boo-boo.  I haven't looked yet - because I'm sure it's grody!  An NO that's not self-tanner :)  If it were I'm sure they would have been kind enough to slather it evenly all over my entire body.  

One not-so-great part of the day is the pain meds.  Oh MY Gosh!  Make me hurl!  They give me a terrible headache and nausea like I haven't known since pregnancy.  So, I'll call and beg them for something else, something more illegal.  Something that makes me see little green dancing men.  Yep. That should do the trick!

I also got a big fat owie on my hand.  That had to be the IV for the Jolly Green Giant, folks… I mean, really?  Next time just use a straw :)

It's funny… Here I sit in a world a hurt, terrible headache, trying not to yack on my laptop but thinking of what a great blessing this whole situation is.

I finally understand what it means to "walk through the valley of the shadow of death… and [absolutely] fear no evil."

Only By His Grace,


1 comment:

  1. Praying still! Love you my dear sister in law! See you soon!

