Friday, December 6, 2013

Infusion Day three... not so much

Yesterday was infusion day number three... only not.

When they started my chemo on Tuesday everything went brilliantly!  However, they wanted to tack on a couple of extra days of IV fluids containing magnesium and potassium.  After day 2 fluids, my magnesium and potassium looked great, and my kidney function was, get this, better than it was on Tuesday!  Go figure - they were NOT expecting that :)  To which I say, " Ha Ha!"

Therefore, infusion day 3 was cancelled... yep, that's right... no IV fluids, no magnesium, no potassium. Isn't that amazing! ?  

Last night was Austin's third grade Christmas program.  I was able to attend and to enjoy myself, too.  I have had so few side effects, that I am quite astounded.  I've not been very tired, I've had very little nausea...they've given me fantastic anti-nausea drugs... I have been so very blessed.

One lady stopped me last night and told me that she was sharing this blog with her friends... another teacher said she was sharing it with her friends, too.  There are people all over the country praying for us.  And to each of you I am grateful!  I believe in the power of prayer!

A sweet friend brought us the most glorious chili last night for dinner.  I may have to beg for her recipe.  It was delicious!  And I also received in the mail, the sweetest blanket with photos of my precious family on it... what a great gift!  Thank you!

"The Lord delights in those who fear him, who put their hope in his unfailing love." (Psalm 147:11)

There are so many people who have surrounded us during this journey.  I am so blessed by the cards, letters, emails, comments on the blog, visits, phone calls and text messages.   But my real comfort is in God's unfailing love!  My hope springs eternal every day. I know that as much as all of you love us, Our heavenly father loves us so much more.  I know that I have one standing in my place, interceding to the father on my behalf.  And my hope is secure!  He will not fail!  

I love the scripture that says, "For I know the plans I have for you...a plan to prosper and not to harm you... to give you a hope and a future..." (paraphrased).  I love that passage because I know that even though this journey may harm my body, God's unfailing love will prosper my soul!  I know that this is God's will for me, right now, for this glorious season of my life.  I don't understand the plan, but I trust the God who does!

I am blessed beyond measure and full of hope and a future!

Only By His Grace,


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