Monday, January 20, 2014

Mercies are new every morning...

"Because of the Lord's great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail.  They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness."  Lamentations 3:22-23

As hard as I try, I often forget that by day five I will start to feel better.  This is always the day when I remember this verse.  I wake up and instead of wishing I could simply go back to sleep, I remember, instead, "this is what it feels like to know His mercies are new every morning."

I am so thankful for the lessons this journey is teaching me.  So often I've thought that my will was most important.  I've believed that my wishes and my wants were more important that what God would be doing through the process.  

The truth is, every journey is a learning experience if we allow ourselves to be taught.  Just because we say something is or isn't a certain way doesn't make it so.  I'm so thankful that God knows far more about this journey than I ever could.

I remember reading that we view life as if we are watching a parade through a knot-hole in a fence.  We can see what has passed by and we can see what is in front of us.  But we cannot see what is to come.  Because we cannot see what is to come, we learn to trust in His Sovereignty.  God sees above and beyond our time limits.  He sees our parade from above the fence.  He knows what has passed, what is before us and what is coming.  We can rest in His ability to watch over us and care for us.  We can trust that He has everything in his control - and we can cease our striving.

I am thankful that even though I do not know what is to come, I know the one who does.  God is faithful and all-knowing.  He is surely working all things together for my good - even in this journey!

I know it is because of his great love that I am not consumed.  And I am so thankful that His mercies are new every morning!

Only By His Grace,


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