Friday, June 13, 2014

Answered prayers...

"Before they call I will answer, while they are yet speaking I will hear." Isaiah 65:24 ESV

Here it is 2:45 in the morning.  I'm away every morning at 2:45 because of the way my new body works.  There are certain things that must be attended to and I certainly don't mind, given that it allows me more time and longer life with my precious family.

This morning is different.  This morning I was compelled to come and write to you about the answered prayers from our faithful Father.  

Usually, after I awake, I realize my foot or my leg or my hip are hurting.  My foot is terribly numb and toes are tingly.  My hip is sometimes screaming with pain.  I roll over, take more pain medication and try my best to go back to sleep.  Or, I move to the sofa, lie on the heating pad or ice pack until the pain subsides and I can fall asleep again.

But not this morning!  This morning as I woke up for my regular scheduled break, I simply went back to bed.  No pain in my hip.  No pain in my thigh.  No pain in my calf.  No pain in my foot.  

Yesterday I realized my foot was "jumping."  It was frustrating at first because this caused my toes to tingle.  But then I realized it was the nerve in my foot waking up.  Last night my toes felt less numb and less tingly.  This is a huge blessing!

Why am I awake at nearly 3:00 to write all of this? Because these, my friends, are answered prayers!  For nearly eight weeks I've dealt with pain...pain beyond anything I could describe to you.  I've not walked well because I cannot feel my foot.  My balance has been off.  I have filled prescription after prescription after prescription of pain medication.  I have dealt with unsavory side effects from that medication.

Even this past week I prayed, "Lord I need you to touch my body!  I need a reprieve.  I cannot take this any longer.  I'm not strong enough."  So recent was this prayer that I can barely believe.  

Isaiah 65:24 says, "Before they call I will answer; while they are yet speaking I will hear."  I believe these effects are answered prayers.  

I am not discounting the work my friend is putting in with PT.  I am not discounting the effort the exercises are taking.  But all of this together amounts to answered prayers.

I cannot simply go back to bed and snuggle in without giving praise to God for touching my body.  I am blessed this morning.  I am blessed that I can go back to bed and just fall asleep.  No extra pain meds, no heating pad, no ice pack.  Just my pillow and a thankful heart!

Only By His Grace,


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