Thursday, September 25, 2014

Sharing Hope...

I have become sadly aware of how hopeless many people in this world are.  Today I saw this graphic and it made me realize that I can do nothing to change the outcome of people's lives.  I cannot change their situations.  I cannot change their finances.  I cannot change their careers. I cannot change their circumstances. 

But what I can do is share hope!

Last week I missed a call from a coordinator from my surgeon's office.  I've been in contact with him for a few weeks trying to resolve one small insurance issue - so naturally, I thought the call was regarding this particular situation.

When I returned her call yesterday, she asked me if I would be willing to share my personal story with a patient who is facing the same surgery I just had completed.  The doctor asked for me specifically for two reasons:  first, because my surgery was so successful, but second, and more importantly, because they thought I could offer him hope.

The staff at the cancer center say that this man is scared, apprehensive about the surgery, anxious about the statistics he's read... boy do I get that. 

So although I cannot tell this man what his outcome will be, although I cannot promise him a cancer-free life, although I cannot change his situation, or his circumstance, what I can do is offer him hope.  I can tell him that my surgery was successful.  I can tell him that my outcome was good.  I can tell him that my personal experience, my choice to have this surgery, changed my life...for the better.

You see, I think I've figured it out. People aren't afraid of the future.  People are afraid of what they cannot control.  If people were afraid of the future they would be terrified every time they planned a vacation. No.  People aren't afraid of the future.  People are afraid of the unknown. 

And so, for me, to help clarify the unknown for this man is to offer him hope. 

I am humbly honored to be asked to do this thing...and I'm privileged to touch the life of someone on the other end of the phone line..  And for one small moment in this man's entire history, maybe I can offer him a glimpse of a better future - maybe I can hold out hope to him.

"When it's dark enough, you can see the stars."
~Ralph Waldo Emerson~

Only By His Grace,


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