Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Bright and early...

Here it is 4:45 a.m. and I've already been awake for an hour. Bright and early doesn't really mean the same thing when it's only early…and not bright at all!

I've always been an early riser, I guess…at least since adulthood. I love waking up before dawn, sitting with my coffee and reading or knitting or surfing Houzz.com. Houzz.com gets me into all kinds of trouble, y'all!

Today is the day I get my chemo port. I have to leave for the hospital in about an hour…so I better get myself together. I can't leave the house in my jammies, now can I?

I will be starting chemo on Monday, December 3. I will be getting 2 chemo drugs, and because I'm so healthy, they're going to be pretty aggressive. I like aggressive. If you know me personally, you know I'm a big believer in the "go big or go home" theory. This applies to hair, shoes, purses, Christmas trees...

Just because this is chemo doesn't mean we can't "go big or go home!"

However, there have been times, recently, when I wonder…"will they give me too much?" "Will I spontaneously lose ALL my hair?" As in, like, sitting on the sofa and it all just fall off my head into a heap on the floor…However will I get my sunglasses to stay on top of my noggin? Will I finally lose those last 5 pounds only to find that suddenly…it's not as attractive as I thought it would be :)

But Isaiah 43:2 says this, "When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze." NIV

I may not know what all chemo will do to me, or when it will do it. This stretches me because I'm a little bit type-A… I like to know all the answers before I know the questions :)
What I do know, is that this path has been given to me for a reason. I don't know the reason. I don't know the purpose. I don't know where this path leads. But I do know that I have but one choice.

I will choose to walk the path! I will give thanks to my God every single day because I am blessed to be on this journey! I will look for ways to bless others throughout my day, because we never know what someone else is going through!

I may not understand the path…but I will walk through it - if He wants me to!

Please click the link to watch the following video! This is the theme of my journey…


Only By His Grace,



  1. As a song-bird in the night, He is with you.
    Your heart in tune knows the lyrics and His love song brings you peace and calmness.
    How awesome to have a bird's eye view of two in love - You and Your Lord.


  2. As I read your post, I am reminded of Luke 22:42--“Father, if you are willing, remove this cup from me. Nevertheless, not my will, but yours, be done.”

    I am praying for you my sweet friend!


    1. Garnetta, this is absolutely my prayer! I would have the Lord heal me instantly, if that were his will...but somehow, I believe he has a greater purpose in all this. And my prayer is, "Nevertheless, not my will but yours be done..."
