Monday, June 9, 2014

Always amazed and truly blessed...

Friendship: (n) the emotions or conduct of friends; the state of being friends. 

I have sweet friends.  I am truly blessed by them.  It seems like whenever I need a word of encouragement, someone, or many someones will step up and speak life to me.  It happens randomly most of the time; through text messaging, email, PM on FaceBook, etc.  It happens with friends I see every day and friends I haven't seen in years.  And I have grown to realize recently that even though miles and years separate friends, there is always a bond that remains true... I am blessed.

I would like to tell you about two of my friends today.  Someone told me yesterday, "Billie you don't just have friends,  you have angels."  I know :)  I just can't figure out why!

First, my friend Erin.  She is a Physical Therapist.  In fact, that is how we met.  Eleven years ago I went to see a doctor because of terrible shooting, stabbing, knee-dropping pain in my right knee.  MRI didn't show anything wrong, Ex-ray didn't show anything, CT scan didn't show anything.  But at random times I would take a step and my knee would literally shoot pain so severe I would nearly drop and my knee would buckle.  I was referred to physical therapy.

I was skeptical.  I thought it was hocus pocus and mumbo jumbo.  But, insurance paid, and I was desperate. After the second visit, Erin asked me where I lived.  I told her.  She said that she also lived on that street and we found that we lived 8 houses apart.  She had a sweet six-month old baby boy and needed a sitter.  I was a stay-at-home mom and we formed an alliance :)  I watched her dear one until I had my son a couple of years later.

Our friendship has stayed true.  It has a bond set much deeper than physical therapy.  She is a spiritual woman who loves God and serves him diligently in every aspect of her life.  Erin is a blessing to everyone around her, including her husband and four children.

Fast forward to now:  When I woke up from my cancer surgery with severe leg pain, I was explaining it all to Erin when she came to visit me in the hospital.  Immediately I could see her wheels turning.  Since then, she's been treating me every week, multiple times a week, and I am growing stronger, my pain is growing weaker, and I feel there is actually hope for recovery.

Because of her expertise, I have been able to ask her extremely personal questions that I don't think I could have ever asked another soul on the planet.  She always answers me with kindness, she encourages me with hope and instills a great sense that everything will be ok.

Erin gives herself to our friendship.  She is on extended maternity leave to stay home with her kiddos this summer.  Because of that, she has been treating me in her home.  She takes her personal time to fix what is wrong with me.  I cannot ever repay her kindness to me.  Without her, I would still be in pain with every step.  I would still be unable to get up or down without assistance.  I would have given up by now.

She has exhibited true friendship to me many times in my life and I am thankful!

Next is my sweet friend Ashley.  Ashley is a hair stylist.  Ashley and I met a couple of years ago when our kiddos ran cross country together.  I had recently had surgery and to be honest, my hair had gotten far far out of control.  I was desperate for a trim, and she was willing to help me out.  Ashley's salon was literally right around the corner from my house - about a two minute drive - and right past the Starbucks!

Ashley is the kind of friend that will be honest with you - even if it's not what you want to hear.  I mean that in the very best way.  She is the kind of friend that listens to your heart, hugs you with the warmest, most comforting hugs imaginable, and is honest and true. 

Ashley and I share things in common that I don't think we could talk about with many people.  We understand the things that others do not understand.  It is a bond that is based on trust and listening and praying for one another.

This past week my daughter went to Florida with her grandparents. Miss K has funny hair.  Whenever it gets wet, it sticks together like glue and tangles just because you're trying to comb it.  I have hair stylists say, "In x years of doing hair I've never seen anything like it."  So this week in Florida, Miss K went to the beach.  The salt water and ocean breezes tangled her hair into knots.  Because she couldn't possibly comb them out, she put her hair up in a bun.  Multiply that by five days and when she got home it was one massive mat of dreadlocks.  Miss K's hair was nearly to the middle of her back; very long, very blonde, very beautiful.

My heart was sick because after four hours of trying everything known to man, I had only been able to untangle about two inches of hair.  I honestly thought we were going to have to cut it up to her chin.  She had nine inches of tangled, matted dreadlocks. 

That's where sweet Ashley came in.  She texted me on Sunday morning and asked if we'd had any help.  I explained that we hadn't and that I thought our only hope was a drastic hair cut.  Her reply to me was simple, "Meet me at the salon at 10:00."  Ashley opened her salon on a Sunday - and drove into Louisville to help my daughter.  She spent about two hours working on Miss K's hair.  She sprayed and detangled, combed and pulled and combed again.  For two hours she did this - not just on her day off - but on her SUNDAY day off.

When we finished at the salon, Miss K had lost about 5 - 6 inches of length, but Ashley had saved about 9 inches.  Miss K's hair is still long past her shoulders, is healthy, shiny and beautiful.  

What Ashley did wasn't just salvage my daughter's hair, she saved my 13 year old's heart from breaking.  It's hard being 13.  It's even harder when you're hair is a matted knot.  Ashley saved her from that heartbreak.

 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

I am not sure why I have the friends in my life that I have.  I certainly do no deserve them.  I am eternally grateful!

However, all of this friendship has taught me a couple of things.  
First, that I have a lot to learn about being a friend.  I want to be the kind of friend that gives with abandon, who supports unconditionally and is willing to do whatever, whenever my friend needs me.

When I have said that my cancer was my greatest trial, and yet my greatest blessing, this is partially what I mean.  I have learned so many life lessons through this journey; lessons I would have otherwise not learned.  God has been faithful to show me true love, true friendship, true giving, true rest and true faithfulness through it all.

Today I am totally amazed at my sweet angel friends.  I am truly blessed!  I love you both Miss Erin and Miss Ashley!  I can't imagine my life without you - or the lessons you have taught me about friendship!  Thank you for making me a better friend!

Only By His Grace,


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